Disappointments are tough, aren't they?
It's a hope for the unknown.
One minute, you are focused on a hopeful thought. You have invested your time and energy, and if you have discussed what you are hoping for with others, you have, perhaps, placed yourself in a vulnerable position, sharing your excitement and dreams.
You embrace the possibilities.
You take the risk of allowing yourself to dream.
Your dreams pump up your built-in, "feel-good" adrenaline higher than normal and your dreaming feels good.
And then, in an instant, something changes and what you were hoping for and dreaming about doesn't work out.
Your hope is gone.
The disappointment leaves you suspended.
You're not sure what to feel.
You need time to mull it over, time to figure out where to file all these mixed emotions.
I know how that feels all to well.
Can I encourage you, in that moment to trust God.
We know for sure that He loves us, and His plan is always the best plan... always.
So, how do we navigate through this suspended, empty feeling? This state of confusion, fear, anger, sadness into a state of trusting God and moving forward...?
1. Pray. Give it all to God. Tell Him how you are feeling. Share your worries and concerns. Share your dreams. Unload your emotions onto His shoulders; He can take it.
2. Trust. Trust God with every fiber in your being that He has a plan for your life for your good and His glory.
3. Read. Spend time in the Word. It is powerful. God's precious Word will minister to you. Spend some one-on-one time with your Heavenly Father, reading His word.
4. Choose. You have to keep moving forward. So what are your options? Remember, the enemy is thrilled this disappointment has happened to you and has a whole script of negative talk to fill your mind with. But God has a better plan. Take control over your mind. Protect your mind. Choose to fill your mind with songs of worship, scripture, and a positive narrative. Rebuke the enemy and his lies.
5. Keep on keeping on. Don't give up. Put your plans, your cares, and your dreams in God's hands, and keep moving forward, trusting He has something better for you. You just have to have patience and wait.
Praying God will give you the strength you need to get through whatever disappointments come your way. And as He refines your faith, you will look back in awe, seeing just how awesome God truly is. How trustworthy He is. And how much He loves you.
Blessings, my friend.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11