mi porque
Para traer esperanza.

Mi oración
"Señor, toma estas historias, úsalas como quieras. Que traigan esperanza a los que sufren. Que arrojen luz sobre la profundidad de Tu Amor y Perdón.
Que Tu nombre sea glorificado a través de todo".

Available for Speaking
Although being raised in a Christian home and always having a heart for the Lord, I chose a path similar to the women at the well. And like that Samaritan woman, my life was filled with painful regret, suffering, and shame.
Transformed by grace, I have risen from the ashes of my past to share a powerful message of redemption and hope. Join me on this incredible journey of restoration as we discover that no one is beyond the reach of God's love.
Speaking Topics

The Freedom that was
Found at the Well
Guilt and Shame are the enemy's tools of bondage.
As a child of God, we need to be able to rejoice in our freedom. Celebrate a joyful life within Christ's sacrifice.

Giving up the
Right to be Right
The Game Changer!
Understanding how we get in the way of God's Blessings and God's will for our life by our wounds and strong will.
When we remove our worldly self out of the way and allow the spirit to lead, the floodgates open!

The Seeds Planted in Secret.
We often don't know where the deceitful seeds get planted by the enemy. Seeds that take root into our core and dictate our direction for years.
Understanding what those lies are is the first step to changing our belief system, identifying the lies and uprooting them.

Understanding our Make
and Model
We are uniquily made on purpose, for a purpose.
Learn to embrace the facts about your make and model.
Understanding your features and benefits and knowing what is in your manual.
mi porque
Para traer esperanza.
To God be the Glory for the things He has done!